Product of the Month | GX1 Continuing our series, we’ve chosen the GX1 as our product of the month for January 2017. Happy New Year! Longtime customers may recognize the name “GP”, which was a previous generation, highly successful high pressure valve built by Proportion-Air. However, after our engineers and designers went back to the … Continued

Air, Inc Receives Award Brendon Connelly, President of Air, Inc., Franklin, MA is being presented the Improving Bench Mark Award by Larry Brown of Proportion-Air, Inc. This award is given to those Proportion-Air distributors who exceed their best sales year.  Air Inc. has been steadily growing their Proportion-Air business over the years. They have been … Continued

QB1 | Electronic Pressure Control Valve This month’s Product of the Month is the QB1, a versatile low-cost pressure control valve used in a variety of applications over the course of many industries. The QB1 is a closed-loop PCV and can be assembled to an air piloted regularly or can be used as a standalone … Continued

What is the Hyperloop Elon Musk, well-known for his work as CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, dreamt up the idea for Hyperloop to revolutionize modern transportation. The system, Musk proposed, would carry passengers hundreds of miles at unprecedented speeds, allowing for transportation possibilities unmatched by other means. There is one problem, however – the Hyperloop … Continued

Hyperbaric Therapy for Veterans You may be familiar with hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy (HBOT)– it’s used frequently with athletes for healing and recovery. In fact, it’s a well-known form of injury treatment, from minor to more serious issues. What is HBOT? Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy revolves around the idea that increased oxygen can help the healing process. Within a hyperbaric chamber, a … Continued

Thanks to Helmut Strey for allowing us to re-post this blog. Microfluidics Controller Finally, I managed to produce our first open hardware project. The Microfluidics Controller allows us to drive 8 air pressure controllers and 8 air valves. For this we have two 4-channel Digital-to-Analog chips (MCP4728) that produce voltages from 0-5V as input for our … Continued

Indy’s Top Workplaces for 2016 Proportion-Air, Inc. has been beyond proud to have made the list of Indianapolis’s Top Workplaces for the past few years. This year is no different. We take pride in our employees knowing they are our heartbeat here providing the best customer service, sales support, efficient production, innovative engineering and everything … Continued

Prevent Workplace Injuries When Using Compressed Air Plant managers must be vigilant about numerous potential hazards in the workplace. These range from slips, falls and chemical hazards, to ergonomic issues and stress – there are many safety issues to consider on any given day to prevent workplace injuries. With so much attention to more common … Continued

More Women Engineers Needed With projections showing the industry will need 1.7 million more engineers and computing professionals to fill positions within the next 10 years, the low number of women in those fields is growing as a top concern among industry leaders and educators. More women engineers are needed…and quick! Diversity in the workplace … Continued