Aseptic methods of food packaging and storage are a growing market. Dairy products, fruits and vegetables, wine and soups are packed using a process that is sterile from nearly start to finish.

To package these products safely and effectively, accurately controlling the air (or gas) pressure to the tank is critical. In this drawing, a manual regulator limits the effects of any supply change before our QB1X + BD4 pressure reducing regulator assembly. On the exhaust side of the application, a QB1X + BD6 backpressure regulator assembly is acting as a kind of relief valve. Physical characteristics of the regulators prevent pressure fighting or oscillation. The back pressure regulator tends to open at a higher pressure than pressure reducing setpoint. If for some reason the tank pressure exceeds setpoint, the back pressure unit will release air/gas.

When actuated, flow through the valve into the carton is consistent. The regulator assemblies protect the aseptic storage tank from overpressure.

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