Proportion-Air manufactures a few different products designed to be mounted on a manifold with shared inlet and exhaust. These products are often used in force pressure control applications where space is limited, but accuracy and repeatability is critical.
In this drawing, seven MPV1s mounted on an SBM-7 sub-base manifold are controlling the force on spring loaded anti-friction Airpel cylinders to test the breaking point of small automotive parts. The sub-base has a common air supply port and a common exhaust port. The MPV units can all work independently and have a high resolution control to apply precise force using friction-less Airpel cylinders. Use of these is especially advantageous when many control valves are required for an application with little mounting space.
The frictionless nature of the Airpel cylinder requires that it “leaks” a small amount. This leakage can be a big problem for most electronic pressure regulators, but the MPV is designed to be under flow and this leakage actually helps improve the pressure control resolution.