Pro-Air Mizer

Is Your Compressor Costing You Money?
Typically, compressed air is supplied to a storage tank (header) it builds and stores up pressure (capacitance) for distribution as needed. This “storing of pressure” is necessary so the compressor doesn’t have to run constantly. Without the often large additional storage tank, it would simply be impossible to keep up with demand throughout the entire factory or installation.
As compressed air is consumed, the pressure in the header will drop. There may be hundreds of pressure drops throughout a work shift, and when there is especially heavy pressure usage the system can potentially be drained. This will cause the compressor to work harder and run so often that the next user will not have enough air pressure to perform their process.
To combat the inconsistencies and inefficiencies of a typical compressor system, many users will cascade multiple compressors of different sizes. This will allow for multiple and different capacities for producing air. The idea behind cascading, is the hope that the tanks will work together, but (as is often the case) they end up fight each other. While helpful in some situations, cascading is not a cure-all for the problem of inconsistent pressure and energy consumption.
Our pressure/flow controller can be implemented into compressed air systems greater than 500 psig with up to 6 inch flanged mount connections.
Click here to read and learn more about how this technology works
Use this calculator to estimate your compressed air energy cost