MizAir Presented to Association of Energy Engineers

Association of Energy Engineers Learns about the MizAir

Proportion-Air was invited to present information on the MizAir to the Indiana chapter of Association of the Energy Engineers on September 16, 2015. The Association read a report on the energy savings capabilities of the MizAir and wanted to learn more about the technology and how it was applied.

The MizAir air operated double diaphragm pump (AODD) controller was developed to reduce the amount of air consumed by AODD pumps. In 2014 IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University) conducted an energy study on the MizAir and published results in a report: “Diaphragm Pump Controller Performance Project,” dated 1-12-2015. The report was written by the IUPUI Industrial Assessment Center.

Association of Energy Engineers

The purpose of this project was to conduct comparative validation testing on the MizAir. The experiments compared four air operated diaphragm pumps whose air input was controlled first with a standard manual regulator and then under MizAir control at ambient conditions with a water fluid medium.

The objectives were to:

  • Document pumps performance parameters.
  • Evaluate pump performance variables under different flow rates and different

operating pressures.

  • Analyze testing results with a focus on energy efficiency.

The reported findings were: “In all trials, at all set points, the MizAir controller reduced diaphragm pump air consumption. The air consumption reductions vary by pump, but the MizAir controller nominally reduced supply air consumption by 20‐50%.”

  For more information on the MizAir and its suitability for your application contact Proportion-Air by telephone at 317-335-2602 or via email at info@proportionair.com. You can also visit the MizAir website at www.mizair.com.

Download the full report here

Association of Energy Engineers