Can You Guess Where Larry Went?

Can You Guess Where Larry Went?

My trip this last week was of short duration although I traveled to the center of the United States. I can’t say that I got to see anything that caused the camera to come out of the bag.

I did want to share with you something I forgot to mention from the trip to Los Angeles a few weeks ago. I sat next to an actor from Hollywood on the leg of travel from Denver to Columbus. Frank Medrano played a part in the Shawshank Redemption and he has many other films under his belt as well. If you Google his name with Hollywood actor, you can see the parts he’s played. He was on his way to Mansfield, Ohio to sign autographs at the 20the anniversary celebration of the release of the film. The picture was filmed in the old Mansfield Reformatory.

I’ve added a couple of photos with this week’s blog. One shows the reflection of a spectacular sunset off the right wing of the plane. The other photo is of an early airplane that was on display at the airport in a city I visited. Since I didn’t get to see much, I thought it would be good to see who can guess the two places I visited. The airplane may help you guess the airport, but to make it interesting, I’ll describe the two cities by songs that were written about them. Both songs were popular on the country music charts.

The song I am thinking of for the city I flew into was made popular by Don Williams and the title was about time in this city. It was popular in the early 80s.

The second song was sung by Merle Haggard and was released in the late 60s. Merle sang that he was proud to be from this city and he said it was a place where even “squares” can have fun.

If you think you know the names of the two cities I visited, send an email to with your guess – Use “Cities” in the subject line.” Or tweet it to @proportionair

Larry's Travels Guess 2

Larry's Travels guess