4 Ways Digital Communication Transforms Manufacturing

Digital Communication in Manufacturing

When you hear the word ‘manufacturing,’ what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you didn’t instantly think digital communication, you probably aren’t alone. While digital communication isn’t something normally associated with manufacturing, the connection between the two has been increasing in recent years. This article will show you four ways digital communications can positively impact your manufacturing facility.

Internal Communication

The field of internal communication isn’t a new one, even within a manufacturer. What is new, however, are the ways internal communicators are engaging their employees.

Employee Communication Apps

Anyone in management at a manufacturing facility has likely read an article about employees not being engaged at their job. This Gallup poll from 2015 shows 68% of employees are unengaged at their job. This is especially true in the manufacturing sector where front line workers are tough to communicate with. They rarely have company email addresses and work on shifts that are outside of standard office hours.

Previously, things like printed newsletters and monitors in the break rooms relayed company information. These methods, while better than nothing, are very expensive and cumbersome to maintain. So how do you communicate with front-line workers more efficiently and keep them engaged in this day and age?

Well, there is an app for that. Companies like Red e App offer manufacturers a communication system that allows for targeted messaging. Now internal communicators can communicate with hourly workers in real-time. No more maintaining a database of personal emails or phone numbers to send group texts that get read who knows when. Your front line employees will become more engaged as they receive the schedule, emergency and weather notifications in real time. Management will become more aware of employee engagement analytics. Everyone wins.
(Checkout this case study from Red e App – Manufacturing company bridges the divide between factory and office workers.)

Plant Floor Communications

Communicating directly with front line workers at your manufacturing facility isn’t limited to employee engagement messages in an app. Manufacturing Metric Displays (MMD) digital readouts on equipment and two-way radios leverage digital communications to achieve important goals on your shop floor.

Manufacturing Metric Displays (MMD)

Where a plant or shift manager previously had to conduct scheduled meetings or communicate through a whiteboard to relay important information regarding the operations, they can now leverage an MMD. Manufacturing Metric Displays are digital displays that broadcast nearly any data you can get your hands on. Production metrics, shift communications, work orders, the list goes on and on of what an MMD can convey to the front line. Instead of relying on verbal orders and other communications which slow the manufacturing process, these displays allow for a seamless relay of information while tasks are being completed.

Digital Readouts on Equipment

Manufacturing plants that run at peak efficiency are a delicate balance between the equipment, people, and processes. Throw one wrench into this delicate balancing act and the whole operation suffers.

One way to help keep things humming along are digital readouts on equipment. Instead of having to constantly test and monitor a piece of equipment, a front line worker can get quick and reliable feedback from a digital display. Proportion-Air high flow electronic pressure control valves are just one example of equipment that contains a digital display to provide instant feedback on what is happening on the line.

Two-way Radio

While analog two-way radio systems have been workhorses for a long time, digital technology has finally caught up. Digital radios can help you by increasing efficiency, productivity, and safety.

One of the biggest improvements digital radio provides over analog is improved voice quality. Your manufacturing plant is a noisy place. The digital radios allow for a co-worker to hear your voice clearly, even when you can barely hear yourself think.

For more examples of how you can enhance your manufacturing facility with digital two-way radios checkout this graphical white paper from Motorola.