ISF Helps Achieve EPA Requirements
On August 16th 2012 the EPA published a new rule – EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505 states that continuous bleed natural gas-driven pneumatic controllers between the wellhead and the gas processing plant must have a bleed rate not greater than 6 SCFH. The gas industry has until October 15, 2013 to comply.
Proportion-Air’s ISF1 closed loop intrinsically safe electronic proportional regulator is perfect for use in the natural gas industry. It can use natural gas as a pilot media to control dome pressure to a natural gas valve or regulator.
The ISF1 uses normally closed solenoid valves and an on-board pressure transducer to maintain precise control by following the customer’s 4-20mA command signal to maintain pressure as required.
The product is NEMA4 rated and is not a constant bleed device. Any gas exhausted from the dome of the slave gas regulator or valve through the ISF1 when control pressure is reduced can be captured on the ISQB1’s exhaust port and consumed by the system downstream.